If the Fest keeps attracting random people, soon there won’t be anyone who’s just standing around watching. Everyone will be playing.
That might be best.
If the Fest keeps attracting random people, soon there won’t be anyone who’s just standing around watching. Everyone will be playing.
That might be best.
Jacquée is lobbing softballs for the Mayor. They must have a studio appearance lined up later.
Durnell’s got the Fest on his mind. Can you blame him?
Dusty is cranky, and apparently has a longer memory than a lot of interviewers these days.
I spend a lot of time during news interviews saying, “Didn’t he (or she) do the EXACT OPPOSITE last year and swear it was the right thing and that the OTHER guys were horrible hypocrites? Are ya gonna mention THAT? Even to ask where the change of heart came from? Anything? No?”
Ooooops. This was supposed to have gone up earlier this week.
In fact, I thought it HAD gone up earlier this week. I was convinced you had all seen it by now.
My bad.
At any rate, here it is!
Jacquée’s gonna have to have a talk with the guys back at the studio. The fellows got lazy, and just ran some stock footage thinking we wouldn’t notice.
Our local paper did something similar back when Gannett bought ’em up. They moved most of the grunt work to Nashville, since they’re trying desperately to centralize operations and cut costs. Unfortunately, it led to an advertisement from Gannett itself saying how much they cared about Memphis and its newspaper readers (200 miles away from Nashville) and the photo they chose to run with the ad wasn’t Memphis, but, in fact, Nashville.
If you’re gonna start off as a team, you gotta have a battle cry.
We’ll see what happens to that battle cry because, y’know, in the end… “There can be only one.”
I picture the crowd at this point starting to do the stomping and clapping thing that begins the Queen song “We are the Champions”
There’s just that kinda nervous energy in the air, isn’t there?
Look, they got Paste into a nice, calm setting so that they can all distract him with a little interview…
You can take the boy out of the chaos, but ya can’t take the chaos out of the boy.
He oughtta get a shirt that says that on it.
Paste is one of those interviews you used to hear about… Tom Cruise on Oprah Winfrey’s show, Crispin Glover on David Letterman’s show, Anyone normal on Jerry Springer’s show, etc… He may not be asked back without some kind of apology, and a legal document with assurances that no weapons will be on his person.
I decided to carry on with The Buckets and Hubris as though the world they live in doesn’t have a COVID-19 outbreak.
Mostly because:
1) Not That Funny,
2) Hopefully, in a couple of years, all the COVID cartoons won’t make much sense. Like looking back on French Political cartoons by Daumier now- you see ’em, you read ’em (or the translations) and you say, “Huh. I don’t get it.”
This is more serious than I like to be here, but I really hope that the stress and strain I see online and in people around me (when there are any) becomes incomprehensible sometime soon. Kind of like hearing about the 1918 Flu epidemic and not, until recently, being able to picture how much it changed lives for months and months. Historical events are tiny points that have names and dates. We personally don’t remember the spiraling months of death and fear from 100 years ago. We remember “Flu Outbreak of 1918. Killed a lot of people.” Those people lived all the little weirdnesses we’re living now, and ours will go the way that theirs did. Honestly? I hope this outbreak doesn’t go far enough to get a historical name. I hope it’s a chapter in the next century’s epidemiological textbooks, with the kind of information that will help next time, and doesn’t stick around as a historical milestone of misery.
In fact, if you’re reading this in some archive of Hubris comic strips any time after, say, 2021, I hope you’re baffled at how morbidly serious I just got about something that you have no genuine feelings of loss over.
I figure Clem takes as long to describe events as the events themselves took.
It’s like having a 1 to 1 scale map of life.
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