Ooooops. This was supposed to have gone up earlier this week.
In fact, I thought it HAD gone up earlier this week. I was convinced you had all seen it by now.
My bad.
At any rate, here it is!
Jacquée’s gonna have to have a talk with the guys back at the studio. The fellows got lazy, and just ran some stock footage thinking we wouldn’t notice.
Our local paper did something similar back when Gannett bought ’em up. They moved most of the grunt work to Nashville, since they’re trying desperately to centralize operations and cut costs. Unfortunately, it led to an advertisement from Gannett itself saying how much they cared about Memphis and its newspaper readers (200 miles away from Nashville) and the photo they chose to run with the ad wasn’t Memphis, but, in fact, Nashville.
So, the photo bombed?
Oh the humanity!
What’s worse is trying to warp pixels for someone and they don’t get the idea that there’s a reason there’s a watermark there, AND/OR it’s copywrite material and joys like that.
I bet Jacqee is going to have some tech or three back at the studio on a bun with pickle and relish when she gets back there….
Lol…. film crew too isn’t to LAZY to go in… they’re too SCARED to go in… I don’t remember any frozen paintball checks going on here like at the Vinculum Bankers’ Bonanza.
Ammo was dropped by drones.
Well even so, my original assertion still stands – film crew is too scared to enter the mayhem that shall soon be glow in the dark, night time, banana whip crazy paintball of doom.
They got it right….starts off as a disaster and a winner will emerge.
Clearly even the drones are afraid to enter the arena…