Admit it, if someone hands YOU a story like Grover’s, are you gonna believe it, or assume he’s just making it up?
Or suffering from one of those conditions where you see stuff going on that other people in the room somehow don’t see?
Admit it, if someone hands YOU a story like Grover’s, are you gonna believe it, or assume he’s just making it up?
Or suffering from one of those conditions where you see stuff going on that other people in the room somehow don’t see?
At the moment, we only see the surface. I bet, deep down, he’s not a maladjusted introvert. Maybe deep, deep down. Or, I dunno, maybe he’s troll bone deep and out the other side. Whatever, on Twitter, I bet he uses rude words.
Time will tell, I guess. How many distasteful characters have revealed themselves -eventually- to be nice enough once we got to know ’em here at Hubriscomics? Most of ’em, I think.
‘Cept that Enis guy. Yikes.
Paste is one of those interviews you used to hear about… Tom Cruise on Oprah Winfrey’s show, Crispin Glover on David Letterman’s show, Anyone normal on Jerry Springer’s show, etc… He may not be asked back without some kind of apology, and a legal document with assurances that no weapons will be on his person.
There was a podcast a while back where the hosts talked about One of the things they said was that I was still kinda trying to do a gag-a-day feature, but that’d make it hard to put the whole thing together into a book later.
And the practical upshot is that sometimes, the cartoons advance the story without having a punchline.
I try to minimize that, of course, but here we are again.
For those of you who like that little storytelling, human spark… you’re welcome. For those of you who wanted to see Paste electrocute himself with an RV’s hydrogen cell and poo his pants… I’ll try to work that in later sometime. Or not. It sounds nasty.
I can see how architects and interior designers would really like the opportunity to just noodle around on rooms as though they had all the time in the world.
That first panel was kinda fun.
I’m working later than usual, and I’ve got a Mumford & Son song in my head, hence the title of today’s cartoon, but it seems to fit.
Woo. You almost got this update in black and white.
Some days, you just can’t plan what time you get to things. You ever notice that?
I remember listening to an editorial cartoonist who’d been asked by his new editor if he was the sort of guy who would scribble and scratch away all day and come out with a great editorial cartoon, or one of these guys who sat and thought about it a lot before he got to work.
The more astute of you have already realized by the language that the question is loaded. And that the cartoonist said he’s a scribbler and a scratcher.
Really, though… when you’re making up subtle plans- do you want Wile E. Coyote ordering up stuff from ACME and hammering up a deathtrap, or do you want a corporate villain who’s sitting calmly with his eyes narrowed thinking up ten different ways to cripple the bargaining leverage of another corporation? And making a sort of satisfied humming noise. That’s ominous, that is.
I grew up having to hear the music from ‘Annie’. You know the song… and you, like me and my friends, probably made up spoof lyrics… Sing with me: “Theeeee Sun’ll Blow Up Tomorrow! Bet your bottom dollar there’ll be Chaos… and Sorrowwwww! Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I fear ya, Tomorrow- You’re onlyyyyy a day awaaaaaay!”
Just me, huh?
You can get a lot of information from a well executed background.
I hope I gave everyone the right impression about Mrs. Foris and her home.
…’Cause I don’t wanna have to draw it again.
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