So, the poison ivy that I mentioned a while back. Turns out… the poison ivy had ceased to be the problem. I had either scratched, or picked up some dirt and crud during a fall on the trails or… who knows. Cellulitis. My leg swelled up and was turning an angry horrific purple-y red. And I finally went to the doctor. My family is waiting for our new insurance to kick in, so I limped to one of those Doc-In-The-Box things at a pharmacy (thinking it was probably cheaper than visiting my regular doctor. And faster, which seemed to be important by the time I panicked and went.) The Doc in the box was a very nice lady who sent me to the clinic straight down the street as fast as I could safely get there. Some of you might remember the blood clot horror earlier this year. I sure as hell did while getting myself to the clinic. Now it’s been a couple of days on antibiotics and I’m not quite so concerned that I’ll got to sleep and wake up dead.
There was a funny spin I was going to put on this, but all I got now is a Public Service Announcement. I don’t know whether it should be “always have insurance”, or “don’t scratch poison ivy”, or “If you have poison ivy, don’t let your offroad unicycle fling you into a tree, and thence to the dirt.” or “Don’t wait til it’s too late, go to the Doc-In-The-Box” or what the heck the message is, but by golly, there’s a message here somewhere.
How about “Ride Hard, Keep Clean, Marry a Doctor.” No, that can’t be it…