So, the poison ivy that I mentioned a while back. Turns out… the poison ivy had ceased to be the problem. I had either scratched, or picked up some dirt and crud during a fall on the trails or… who knows. Cellulitis. My leg swelled up and was turning an angry horrific purple-y red. And I finally went to the doctor. My family is waiting for our new insurance to kick in, so I limped to one of those Doc-In-The-Box things at a pharmacy (thinking it was probably cheaper than visiting my regular doctor. And faster, which seemed to be important by the time I panicked and went.) The Doc in the box was a very nice lady who sent me to the clinic straight down the street as fast as I could safely get there. Some of you might remember the blood clot horror earlier this year. I sure as hell did while getting myself to the clinic. Now it’s been a couple of days on antibiotics and I’m not quite so concerned that I’ll got to sleep and wake up dead.
There was a funny spin I was going to put on this, but all I got now is a Public Service Announcement. I don’t know whether it should be “always have insurance”, or “don’t scratch poison ivy”, or “If you have poison ivy, don’t let your offroad unicycle fling you into a tree, and thence to the dirt.” or “Don’t wait til it’s too late, go to the Doc-In-The-Box” or what the heck the message is, but by golly, there’s a message here somewhere.
How about “Ride Hard, Keep Clean, Marry a Doctor.” No, that can’t be it…
Saying that Paste looks better this way would be a bald-faced lie.
I wonder when Jacquee is going to realize she’s out of her depth and would be safer back on the police coverage circuit.
And, you can now say, “I saw her way back when.”
Greg, the lesson is this: move to Canada, or another country with Universal Health Care. Insurance not required for the blood clot or poison ivy.
I’ve been in hospital 8 times since Sept 2016.
2 surgeries ($0 to me), and 6 times for problems related to my Ehlers-Danlos. (5 of those were inflamed intensives and 1 was punched nerve.)
Also, my $380/mth meds (30x anti-anxiety, 30x ADHD) costs me at most $0.63 if I go with the name brand, and $0 if I go generic.
Inflamed intestines/rib joints
Of course, the little troll would lose his hair too…
not sure if it’s a way to make fun of her or not.
Also, take care of yourself, Greg. Cellulitis is not a trivial problem, and needs to be taken seriously.
I was thinking he either did it to try to impress her or it burned off in the flaming hacky sack competition.
My mother was in her late 70’s with numerous health issues, including diabetes and kidney disease. Two back-to-back cellulitis infections caused her kidneys to stop functioning. You’re younger and healthier than my now-late mother, but yeah, what Curtis said.
Yes! THAT’s the message.
Still recovering from my pang in the dark to go look at meteors… I third that. Just today my body shut down and I spent fifteen hours straight out cold, my spouse said I did move once in awhile so he didn’t take my pulse. This is bad…
There is a point when you have to go drag yourself in to the pro’s and let the medical sort it out and make payments for the rest of your life after. Also make sure the beancounters at the medical place don’t try to mess you over (had that twice and both times they lost bigtime without taking them to court)
Paste actually doesn’t look so much like a troll doll without the hair. It certainly will grow back.
I was going to kid about how Paste will give me nightmares. But, you know Greg, like someone said, first look after yourself!
Give him a clown wig and he becomes a Troll Doll.
I’m sure I could come up with some anti-unicycle thru the woods slogan, given time.
One more thing. Apparently Jacquee is so nonplussed at everyone’s antics that she loses her earrings every other panel.
As often as you get them, you’d think you would be better about dressing and sealing them… Liquid skin can sting like a Klingon Bar Mitzvah, but it would have stopped that cold… Just sayin..
Sorry to hear about your infection. fwiw, here is my Rx for poison ivy (works for me, anyway):
Shower or wash thoroughly after exposure. This will get rid of most of the oil that causes the reaction.
If you start to see irritation, clean the area thoroughly with high purity isopropyl alcohol. Again, this removes the nasty oil.
Get in the shower and stream the affected areas with the hottest water that you can stand. It will itch intensely very briefly, then just stop. As I understand it this stuff is all protein based. The proteins have a very narrow temperature band where they will hold together.
When I do the hot water trick, the itching stops and the irritation goes away in a couple of hours. It is very important to catch it early.
Antihistamines also help, especially if taken before exposure. Setting a wig on fire might also be therapeutic. I haven’t tried that yet, but it is now on the list.
Thinking good thoghts for you, Greg. I’ll reiterate my suggestion to keep a good supply of Tecnu Ivy Cleanser on hand at all times, especially if you’re going into the woods. (Also their Ivy Armor.)
Please take care of yourself through this recovery. As many have said, cellulitis is no laughing matter. Sending good thoughts, prayer and xi.
Guess the saying “An Eye for an eye.” works here, but instead it’s “Hair for hair.” type of thing. xD Paste being a butt, making fun of Jacquees’s being hairless, becomes hairless himself.
Also I’m glad you got your leg looked at. That sounds painful as heck. e.o
Dude, you’re giving me ulcers all the way down in Australia!!!! Take care of yourself!!!!