I don’t think they let you go into Brazilian Steakhouses without shoes or shirts. Definitely not without pants.
Posts Tagged Dorothy
David walked into that one.
I mean, without meaning to.
‘Cause he had no idea it was there.
It happens.
I don’t think I’d trust the Cassowary to be intimidated by a net. Or a paintball gun. Or anything, really. Outraged and Baffled, maybe, but not intimidated.
It’s like in those movies where the alien, or the prehistoric shark, or the giant ape or whatever it is they’ve got is on the ‘other side’ of the thing meant to keep them safe. That’s just an overused signal that you’re supposed to feel anxious ’cause at least one of the people standing in the ‘safe’ area is about to get it in the neck when the Boogen breaks free. When you’re watching those movies, you’re thinking ‘Run!’ and NO ONE’S DOING IT.
I refuse. I will not subject you to that. I’ll take the Three Stooges Route, though. Everyone run. ‘Cause that *&^%s funny.
Kara said she needed to talk to somebody. I guess she was just being methodical deciding who it was she’d talk to?
What’s nice, of course, is that the last person she decided to talk to is an expert in such things, and had wine. It would have been difficult on Kara to have to circle back to someone else as the best choice.
Or start talking to utter strangers, hoping that they had wine. THOSE conversations get weird.
Just who are we most threatened by, here? Enis? David? Paste? Hometeam? David’s investment group?
Heck no… just don’t get Dorothy involved, for heaven’s sake.
Kara is putting two and two together.
I have no idea what her math skills are like.
What do you think?