Just who are we most threatened by, here? Enis? David? Paste? Hometeam? David’s investment group?
Heck no… just don’t get Dorothy involved, for heaven’s sake.
Just who are we most threatened by, here? Enis? David? Paste? Hometeam? David’s investment group?
Heck no… just don’t get Dorothy involved, for heaven’s sake.
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Dorothy’s not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
I’m more threatened by the cassowary.
YAY… Hubris probably gifted it to Paste under a few conditions… Hubris can participate forever (any fest ever mounted after that), Paste can’t sell it to ANYONE ELSE, and Enis can pound sand (???) Oh, and Hubris never has to stand in front of the microphone again.
I’d rather see him eat sand and like it. Bwahahaha! Paste is crazy enough to enjoy running the nuthouse.