Kara said she needed to talk to somebody. I guess she was just being methodical deciding who it was she’d talk to?
What’s nice, of course, is that the last person she decided to talk to is an expert in such things, and had wine. It would have been difficult on Kara to have to circle back to someone else as the best choice.
Or start talking to utter strangers, hoping that they had wine. THOSE conversations get weird.
I got whiskey. Does that help?
In wine there is truth.
Kara is talking to the right person.
By now, since Doc there is still at it for various shows and productions, she’s seen and heard it all and knows when to pour the self administered anesthesia. I think Kara will just go back to having fun with her friend and tell the others (especially Dad) to just take a hike. Um, where’s Kara’s mom? Wouldn’t she be able to help?
“Help?” Is that what Momma Biner’s input would be referred to in this situation? 😛
Oh boy… NOW this pot is good and properly stirred… Kara is spilling out her life’s woes over wine with her SWORN ENEMY.
Bets on how many strips until all banana-whip busts loose?
Didn’t Hubris ask Kara to marry him the first time she treated him in the ER?
But after meeting her father, Hubris assumed Kara would never marry him because her dad didn’t want her to?
(This comic has me replying to myself…)
Yes, Hubris DID ask Kara to marry him the first time they met. It was just the sort of bombastic introduction that people like Hubris make. Also, it played into the structure of the joke in that particular cartoon. I thought it was pretty well written, myself. But I’m biased.
Yeah…. and Hubris said (apparently prophetically) that she’d settle down with a nice anesthesiologist named Steven.
I think Hubris is an excellent anesthesiologist, He knocks people out left and right aand they don’t even know what hit them.
Which one would she be truly happy with? Only the truth serum, er, wine will tell.
Hubris has commitment problems. Steven is a bombastic, arrogant, patronizing ass, who’s only been trying to hold it in long enough to get the girl.
I might have… opinions… on this matter. (wry g)
That and the fact that he would be the one she came back to after Steve dumped her.