Just who are we most threatened by, here? Enis? David? Paste? Hometeam? David’s investment group?
Heck no… just don’t get Dorothy involved, for heaven’s sake.
Just who are we most threatened by, here? Enis? David? Paste? Hometeam? David’s investment group?
Heck no… just don’t get Dorothy involved, for heaven’s sake.
Paste is such a sentimentalist. He sees his brother’s distress and seeks to lessen his burdens by taking them on himself.
Or something that looks like that, anyhow.
Nikki has earned herself a bit of time to wander around the ‘Fest, I guess. Nothing more to do in the store- might as well go and check in on 1) Mayhem, 2) Paste’s weird bunch, 3) Where Bob’s got to 4) the lunacy of the final games of the day…
Come to think of it, the store might have been better than the crazy mess.
“What do you hate? By such are you known” to paraphrase Frank Herbert. If you see somebody doing something you don’t like, how do YOU classify that person? It’s a rorshach test, usually.
Conflict of interest? Ha. That, thinks Paste, is for lesser mortals.
So, the pieces of the story are filtering together. Hope you’re enjoying seeing the puzzle fall into place. Then, once we have the puzzle all finished, we’re gonna blow it up, set fire to it, film the whole thing happening and then do slo-mo replays. Backward.
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