Nikki has earned herself a bit of time to wander around the ‘Fest, I guess. Nothing more to do in the store- might as well go and check in on 1) Mayhem, 2) Paste’s weird bunch, 3) Where Bob’s got to 4) the lunacy of the final games of the day…
Come to think of it, the store might have been better than the crazy mess.
So Fortis and Wang are gonna fight over something they are not going to win at… hm. In the end Hometeam is going to watch the mess from a distance and Hubris will just be Hubris.
Did they ever get Paste slipcovered again?
Nikki has the right idea. She’s just trying to find the right people to implement it for her.
“drink” would be subtle. Go right for “Margaritas”
24th birthday, that is what I had for dinner. A pitcher of strawberry margaritas and a straw. Then I had two more strawberry jumboritas. Was a marvelous dinner… and I hadn’t eaten all day and had been up since the day before because I worked nights… and hadn’t gone to bed on this my day off. It was glorious. I slept well… I was told.