Paste is settling into his role as ‘casually callous celebrity’ (CCC) pretty well, isn’t he?
And Lowell seems to be settling into another role entirely. Very fulfilling, I’m sure.
Paste is settling into his role as ‘casually callous celebrity’ (CCC) pretty well, isn’t he?
And Lowell seems to be settling into another role entirely. Very fulfilling, I’m sure.
You’d think that, what with all the new and exciting stuff going on in his life, Paste wouldn’t have time to think “Hey, what if I just started a line of people. I bet I could eat my breakfast and enjoy sitting around while more people just added themselves to the line for no good reason whatsoever.”
He… probably wouldn’t have phrased it like that. Or even thought it through cohesively.
In fact, I sort of assume that most of what floats through his brain is a sort of instinctive mush of instructions and instigations that allow him to navigate his world. Evolutionarily, he’s the human equivalent of an avalanche. He happens, and whoever survives him has time to pass on their genes to the next generation. Those who aren’t wary enough to avoid him… well, dang… Darwin awards all ’round.
I imagine that running a festival of any kind would be like trying to do your taxes in a high wind on a hot day.
Eventually, you just use your own sweat to hold things together.
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