Admit it, if someone hands YOU a story like Grover’s, are you gonna believe it, or assume he’s just making it up?
Or suffering from one of those conditions where you see stuff going on that other people in the room somehow don’t see?
Admit it, if someone hands YOU a story like Grover’s, are you gonna believe it, or assume he’s just making it up?
Or suffering from one of those conditions where you see stuff going on that other people in the room somehow don’t see?
You can’t just go talking about ANY memories with ANYone.
The little tyke would likely be upset a bit by some of Mr. Cranky’s memories of Gladys as a young lady.
Looks like Ms. Gladys Cravettes has had a good influence on Mr. Cranky. Look! He has a yard in which to do yard work!
Will this mean that Mr. Cranky will stop living in an underground bunker? Will he rejoin the suburban humans rather than being a subterranean human?
Will the sight of helicopters make him think of traffic news rather than international wetwork military assassins?
Let’s hope not. He’s more fun when he’s convinced that drones can read his mind and that the fact that the university he attended still has his name on file means that the sociology department is keeping biannual tabs on his (and other people’s) life progress for inclusion in a database to be used to turn humanity into the mammalian version of an ant colony. Hilarious.
It’s “nice” to see people in loooovvvve, ain’t it?
It’s a little more alarming when you’re seeing people getting all Lovey-dovey.
And when the people in question are well past retirement age… well, it’s maybe time to change the subject and not think about it any more.
You’re thinking about it, aren’t you.
Well, so long as you’re not thinking about your grandparents like that.
Ohhhhh, now you kinda ARE, aren’t ya. Ew.
Nice of him, isn’t it? Steven, to step in and ask the question that Kara needs asked.
It might have been awkward for her to throw that out to Hubris and have to admit she really never asked about his family.
Steven’s a nice boy.
Things are hotting up all over the Fest now!
Oh, there’s just no way the five-legged race will be half as exciting as the general chaos going on around it, is there?
Well, of course Mr. Cranky would be pleased to see his old friend Gladys! And like a true old gentleman, he knows that ladies don’t use ladders- it’s unseemly.
And of course, he didn’t MEAN for Bob to be standing on top of the lift when it sprung. It’s hard to remember where those things are buried when the kids have moved all the dirt around.
It’s fine though. All’s well that ends well, right?
Sorry for posting this late.
As usual, I was convinced I had it all set and ready to fire up at 01:11 this morning, but noooooooooo…
Poor ol’ Miz Cravettes. It took her forty five minutes to get that hair on, and twelve seconds to bounce it off, and two seconds to forget that it wasn’t on her head any more, and less time than that to forget that she was carrying it around.
If ya know someone like Miz Cravettes, do what you can for her soon, okay? Like Bob.
Bob’s a good kid. Probably had a completely lovely gramma somewhere along the line.
… a completely lovely gramma who makes fantastic cookies and taught Bob to be a good kid.
Cookies are an excellent positive reinforcement tool. Grammas know that.
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