Well, of course Mr. Cranky would be pleased to see his old friend Gladys! And like a true old gentleman, he knows that ladies don’t use ladders- it’s unseemly.
And of course, he didn’t MEAN for Bob to be standing on top of the lift when it sprung. It’s hard to remember where those things are buried when the kids have moved all the dirt around.
It’s fine though. All’s well that ends well, right?
So exits Bob……bet when she was younger she was rope qualified.
In a mini-skirt no less. Don’t imagine what it looks like now.
will the elevator descend B4 the bikes arrive?
Bob’ll do alright. He looks like a surfer, and bailing when the wave gets weird should be second nature. He’ll have more to push off of though and the landing MIGHT be softer (water can be incredibly hard sometimes)
It’s a cassowary… it’s a flying canoe … it’s SUPER BOB!
With his pal, Rocky the Flying Squirrel.