Even the best helmet gives you hat hair that’d make a troll doll sorry for your coiffure issues.
But a straw bale is never the answer. That guy’s gonna come outta there looking like he’s got a finger in a light socket.
Even the best helmet gives you hat hair that’d make a troll doll sorry for your coiffure issues.
But a straw bale is never the answer. That guy’s gonna come outta there looking like he’s got a finger in a light socket.
People say that it’s a poor carpenter that blames his tools, but good carpenters always have really, really good stuff to work with for a reason.
When I kayaked, there was a lot of helmet talk. And a lot of boat purchases and comparison. It was fun. People were tempted to use non-kayaking helmets that looked cool or seemed better… and then discovered why the helmets were built the way they were.
When I was a kid, we in the neighborhood discovered hockey helmets at the local sports store… or more likely Walmart… and since there was no hockey whatsoever in our area, the helmets went into use for skateboarding by those of us who listened to our parents. Plus, hockey helmets were WAY cooler looking than skateboard helmets. Or the motorcycle helmet that one kid wore. Or the football helmet that another kid wore.
But the caving helmets that me and my buddy Jon had were the best! Except when used for anything except caving. Then they sucked.
SO… fancy knight’s armor helmet. Yeah, very cool looking… but you don’t wanna come flying off a bicycle and ring THAT bell, dude.
Here we are again. I’m learning this iPad thing, but I tell ya… it ain’t no 1963 light table with a sheet of heavy paper and a Raphael brush, it ain’t. It ain’t a desktop Mac, neither. At least I’m not drawing for you on my phone…yet.
I visited the Wacom studios in Portland last weekend. Wooooo, now, there’s some hardware, ladies and gentlemen. Wave of the future. Light table, paper, and computer all in one. People will wonder one day what a ‘scanner’ was.
traveling again already. But the power’s back on at home. Learning more about doing the strip entirely on an iPad. Because of the craziness, today you get the sketch first!
if you have any advice, I’m listening.
Fourteen of the In-Fill cartoons so far.
I’d love to say that I’ll pick up the pace, but starting tomorrow, there are more and more cartoonists coming into town for the 70th Annual Reubens Awards Weekend. I’m the only NCS member here in town, so there’s lots of moving boxes and goody-bag stuffing, and long days filled with, let’s be honest here, CARTOONISTS. Ah, they’re a fine buncha Reubens, they are. I’m excited… but I don’t know if the publishing schedule will hold up. How about a couple of updates that are photos of cartoonists?
I wear a helmet at the skatepark. It’s very uncool. Mostly, I go very early when the cool people haven’t yet gotten out of bed. Everyone knows that getting up early isn’t cool.
But I digress.
Once, at the skatepark, I was trying to master the littlest half pipe. It’s actually so small that your reaction time has to be so fast that the thing is nearly useless for someone of my size.
I had just been asked by a kid, who was also skating early, why I was so careful to wear wrist guards and a helmet. I said it was because I’m generally uncoordinated and not wearing a helmet is equivalent to just kneeling down and smacking my head on the concrete.
He laughed and said that I looked like I was doing okay.
Or something like that. Before he could finish what he was saying, I wobbled badly and came off the skateboard. The sound my helmet made as it smacked against the side of the little half pipe was really impressive. It echoed off nearby buildings in the chilly morning air. If it had been my unprotected head that’d hit, I sure wouldn’t be drawing right now. Drooling a bit and listing to one side, maybe.
I guess I’ll just never be cool.
So, TSOJ sent in this neat thing- the Invisible Bike Helmet. It’s a little misnamed. I’d have called it the AirHeadBag. But then it wouldn’t sell as well.
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