For those that read the comments- you know Allan. Click to see him talking on the News.
He’s got a Gofundme page, too:
For those that read the comments- you know Allan. Click to see him talking on the News.
He’s got a Gofundme page, too:
Notice anything different today? Well, so did Hubris and Paste, apparently, because what else could have rendered them speechless?
But because YOU persevere, and read all the way down here to this blurb, you get to learn that I went, this past weekend, to the National Cartoonist Society’s Southeast Chapter Annual Fall Meeting. It’s more fun to attend than to type, I notice. At any rate, the great Wiley Miller (Non Sequitur) was one of our guest speakers. I’ve been a fan of his for a long time, first because he draws beautifully, and second because I heard him predict the end of Editorial Cartooning As We Know It, and the reasons for its demise, accurately early on and noticed that he flourished as well as anyone could in comic strips hit their decline by being intelligent and treating it like a business he was involved in.
And he pointed out that his Non Sequitur Sunday cartoons’ vertical format read better than traditional two-tier horizontal formats, partly because it doesn’t give you a sneak peek at the punchline as you go from the last panel of the first tier to the first panel of the second, but also because it’s a fluid way to read comics- allowing the readers eye to flow downward in the story as it is wont to do when allowed to roam in a natural way.
And that, kiddies, is how WebComics work, too. So here’s the latest experiment- the vertical panel order in Hubris. We’ll see how it goes. It’s going to make arranging the cartoons for book format a little time consuming down the road, to be sure, but we’ll smash the crud out of that bridge when we come to it.
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