I thought someone might have mentioned before now that I changed the header on the site to rotate through three or four different ones. Maybe it was mentioned, and I missed it somehow? Maybe everyone does that thing with their computer that removes all the ads and backgrounds and stuff, and the header goes with it?
I’m not saying it’s important. I just catch myself hearing all your voices in my head when I do anything on the site now. How you guys got in there, I dunno. The Buckets and the Hubris bunch got in there, too. My skull must be like a sieve.
That’s okay Greg, wear a helmet and nobody’ll notice. 🙂
Poor Lowell, he can go down and put in for unemployment… that will last for awhile and half pay or so is better than none. Then go to Job Service and run around their hamster wheels for awhile…. yeah. Lowell has plenty of things he could do. Even go to a temp agency and apply there. Temping is better than nothing if you have skills that someone wants…
I have noticed the new banner set-up, but it almost always just shows me the red background with Hubris looking busted up. I haven’t mentioned that I noticed, though. Should I mention it now?
Lowell: “There are a lot of things I’m not good at. Being unemployed is not…”
Hubris: “Finishing your sentences is not one of them”?
Sorry, didn’t notice them. Yes, use ad blocker; no, didn’t affect the banner. Just didn’t notice.
Who’s good at being unemployed?
Some days, I think I’d be good at being lazy. Being unemployed would probably make my head explode, though.
Implode, not explode. And if you get unemployment it counts as income and you pay taxes on it at the end of the year. The worst was when I went through my state job service some decades ago. I needed a JOB and they thought I could live on air and burn up all my gas going as the sixth or so send to a job that went to the first person sent. A week later they’re still sending people for the same job opening and never get the clue it was filled a long time ago. And if you didn’t cheerily go to all of the sends, they would quit sending you altogether… or they’d have job listings you were perfect for and never even mention them. Lowell’s head would combust inside a week….
I did the temp gigs for a few years. Any time I was between jobs, I would be up at 5am searching for the next job. I only drew unemployment once, and that was because I was out of work for 3 months. I hated it. I could handle not having to work. I couldn’t stand not working without the income.
If chunkybutt keeps on like that, he’s going to work off some of that backside. He just won’t get anywhere fast.
Great skills for Walmart or the like.
I’m not only unemployed, I’m deemed “unemployable” … it sucks.
I hope you get disability or something. I’m in the same boat thanks to my last university supervisor attempting to keep me unemployed, telling anyone that called for a reference or employment verification that I threatened to kill her and the chancellor (not what happened), and a ban from campus as that was the allowed version of events in my termination letter, even though they differ considerably from what she initially reported to the university police and emails we exchanged where she tried to goad me further into committing myself in a terminable offense. I guess she thought I would either wither away into some corner and die or run home to the waiting arms of mumsy and pappa. The dean’s and HR offices would do nothing to stop her. Now I’ve got a rap sheet a mile long and no one will hire me: not McDonalds, not Walmart, not the 3 grocery stores around my residence so desperate for minimum wage workers they’re handing out bonuses if you stay 6 months, not even grandma down the street to shovel her sidewalk. Those that do hire me take full advantage: I never get the money promised, and the police won’t do a thing about it. “It’s a civil matter. Nothing we can do.” But if I keep the laptop I was repairing or take their mower as collateral, “Oh! Now a crime has been committed.” I have repeatedly sought out the goobermint’s help, but all I get is condescension and job search babysitting. “You broke the law. Now suffer the consequences.” “Fine, but you won’t like it when I’m forced to break the law again thanks to the exigencies of life.” “Go ahead. I’ll reserve you a cell.” $192,000 has been spent putting the bootjack of law enforcement to my neck, but not a dime to train me up for a job that needs doing.
Go ask someone to allow you to work for free and if they like the job you do, hire you.
Self employ, YouTube, webcomics, webstories, etc…
I will give you one free day’s work. If you like what I do hire me. If you don’t, no hard feelings, I’ll go on my way.
Who did this ‘deeming’? What’s it mean? Doesn’t sound like its in anyone’s best interest.
What it sounds like is ‘extreme academia dumping’ on somebody and it snowballed, and to hire the right legal eagle to cut the crap is beyond almost everyone’s budget. I’ve seen it done to others. All you can pray for is the ones involved getting massive Karma Dump and winning the lotto sometimes. James, I truly hope you rise up to the top, and a lot sooner than later. And yeah Greg, it can happen. Gradschool is not for the timid and there are some tenure that should be firing squad foder.
Greg was referring to who is deeming Allen unemployable. After applying for a few hundred jobs, you get a sense of where you stand in the order of things. It becomes harder and harder to apply to that 412th, 413th, 414th job. The poverty of unemployment and its consequent effect on your appearance and languishing skills doesn’t help matters.
As for me, you are quite correct. It got waaaay out of hand, probably more than even my boss or my boss’s boss thought it would. I’ve seen this happen to others as well, on a much smaller scale, which is why I wanted to finally finish my bachelor’s degree and get a different job. Just a year prior to my termination, my boss was in the process of abusing the classified staff disciplinary procedures against another office staff member over something untoward being said in a moment of frustration and anger; when the staff member, seeing the writing on the wall, transferred to a different job. I worked my way from student hourly to permanent classified staff over the course of 10 years. That is why my boss had to do what she did: you’re not supposed to fire classified staff without going through “disciplinary procedures”. What she didn’t have to do is stick with that story, and tell anyone willing to listen, while I was desperately job searching. That’s just vindictive.
A lot of karma has been spread around over the last 2 years. Every middle manager who had something to do with my termination has been forced to resign or been terminated; even the university police lieutenant who urged that I be banned from campus. He got canned for allegedly taking pictures of various women on campus from his office window and using the dorm hallway security cameras and upskirting female staff. But he hasn’t been criminally charged, so it’s hard to say how true the allegations are. I find that hilarious both because he kept lecturing me about how I’ve gotten just what I deserve and because he was promoted to dept captain less than 8 months before he got canned, after 17 years of service. He got an even worse internet-enabled public humiliation tied to his unique name than I did. It has got to hurt, and I almost feel sorry for him. Then I remember what he has done to enforce the university’s collective will, and my sympathy goes out the window.
I’m still fighting termination through the appeal process, but the commission in charge of that has been sitting on it, determined to force me to settle for whatever piddly severance the university has on offer. My guess is that the Republican appointees to the commission do not look favorably on an appellant who has shown any resistance to Act 10, or they just like saying no to every appeal in order to save money. They could also hold the same opinion of the many people I’ve told the full story to. The straw poll comes out to 60/40 split in favor of my termination but 2/98 approving the university’s handling of it. Everybody involved has been mean and selfish, myself included, so it’s really hard to pick good vs bad guys, but really easy to see everybody’s rationale for what they did, vengeful or not.
Well hoping it all breaks open and everyone else gets what they deserve, and you finally get the true and square deal you’ve deserved and needed all along. And a good dollop of punitive damages as well. (paid TO you)
In the meantime, elsewhere, I’m still pulling for Ms Wiggins-Ross to show up again over Lowell, for one reason or another, or even over crossed wires….
Ever talk to the school newspaper?
just like not being good at trying to get himself out of the mess lowel got him in instead trying to make hubris his scape goat.
Wow, all I was going to do was comment on the banner (yeah, I usually got the one with him beat up in the red background, didn’t notice more than that ’til today) but, man . . . what a subject matter for discussion. A friend of mine was falsely accused of distributing child porn on the web and has had to live with that but seems to be doing fine now.
I read years ago that some people are alive only because it’s against the law to kill them. I mostly agree, not totally because it’s also immoral, and what gives me strength to carry on is knowing that they’ll burn in hell in the afterlife.