Wish me “Happy Birthday”! I’m Fifty Nine.
Not really. But I’m certainly not one of those people who try to say, “I’m Twenty Nine.” and think it’s funny. It’s not. Mostly ’cause I look like Hell on a Hot Day for ‘Twenty Nine’.
So I add a few years.
I look GOOD for Fifty Nine, lemme tell ya.
Lowell needs a life. Maybe should give him a bag of those funny dice and turn him into a gamer; or get him hooked on WOW so he has something to do… poor Lowell.
GREG, you can’t be 59, that means you’re olderNdirt.
Happy 21 again and may you get carded just because. 😉 (I say I’ve done 21 twice and working on the third time… that works)
Happy 59th! What Hubris-like activity will you do to celebrate?
I still say that Hubris should set fire to Lowell’s store to distract him.
Happy Personal New Year! May this year bring as much adventure as you can stand and may you stand as much adventure as you please. =)
Happy July 2!
I am going to meet up with a bunch of ol’ whitewater buddies on the Ocoee river and see if I can still kayak myself down a few miles of rapids without causing sudden death in myself or others! That should be fun. I’m borrowing a GoPro camera, too, so you guys might get to see what happens.
You guys want to give me a birthday gift? Use whatever social media you typically enjoy to flog Hubriscomics.com to any and all of those in shout-out range. The daily unique visitor count still isn’t tipping a thousand a day, and that’s my next milestone- to get a reliable thousand folks a day coming to see what we’re doing here. THANKS!
Voted at topwebcomics.com.
I’m always reminded of Jack Benny who was 39 for the last 50 years of his life.
Happy 20th Anniversary of your 29th Birthday!
Tap Tap!