Getting those events in other towns and cities to recognize the OutdoorFest as a qualifier might be easier than getting David to care enough about Outdoors stuff that he’ll remember what any of it is called.
Posts Tagged events
Enis is going to do all by himself what it took all of Sportsmart to do for the first Outdoorfest. He’s going to gut it down to a T-shirt sale or something.
We all know that the spontaneous games are just as good- sometimes more spectacular- than the regularly scheduled programming. Except for that bowling ball ping pong thing that Them Duke Boys tried to get started. That was just a bad idea. I’m sure that the ambulance will be back soon enough though, and that little guy’s hand will eventually be just fine. Dunno about his foot. That looked bad.
By the way- it’s my birthday today! All you ‘Mericans grill something meaty over the weekend in celebration. Wave flags and have some watermelon, for heaven’s sake. Also, where it will not cause injury or loss of property, and where it is entirely and clearly legal to do so, please shoot off a colorful and attractive firework. I’ll take it as a compliment for my latest circuit around the sun.
Shelly’s one of those girlfriends who doesn’t mind getting fired up over her guy.
I think.
Maybe she’s one of those girlfriends who’s been putting up with crap for long enough and has decided to take out her frustrations on anyone within reach.
Ever know anyone like that?
So… this is becoming the longest Friday ever! By my reckoning, it’s been going on since July of last year.
That’s a longer Friday than that one in college when you went to that Thursday night thing and had to take those tests all hung over and then you had dinner with your parents and your aunt, and had to act all cheerful, then you had homework and a shift at work… Woo, that was a long Friday, but nothing like the first day of an OutdoorFest, by golly!