Paste knows how to show gratitude.
And he knows how to show contempt.
And he shows them both with love.
Aaaaaall at the same time.
Paste knows how to show gratitude.
And he knows how to show contempt.
And he shows them both with love.
Aaaaaall at the same time.
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Contemptitude. Lovable.
And I thought it was going to be Paste’s sweat socks, autographed.
Lowell lived for the corporation.
He was tossed away.
Lowell lived for the forest.
He was adopted by the Racoons who bullied and ravaged him when there was not enough sugar.
He is now Paste’s slave.
Literally under his taint.
Lowell does not learn.
At least Paste is wearing pants right now
Awww thanks
Never question freebies. Take and move along….(stupid)xD
Come on, there are people who would stand in line for free headaches (according to Erma Bombeck). Just take the free bag and go find the other line, and geeze, will someone wander back along the line and tell them what they’re in line for, already?
We love you stupid. Yeah, that’s how we love ya. Oh yeah, and hopefully the taco truck coupons are not expired and are for one that’s at the outdoor fest. Mmmmm, tacos.
Taco truck coupons are Buy One Get a Trial Size Toilet Paper.
Now that’s funny.