Junkyard Jenga.
When Dusty’s and Durnell’s shows air, most of the screen will have to be obscured with the lawyer words “DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME”.
I wonder how many times those guys from the “Jackass” TV show and movies got sued when people tried to roller-skate in a buffalo herd or high-wire over an alligator pit with bits of chicken hanging from their jockey shorts
Ultimate Frisbee, with manhole covers and trebuchets.
“DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!” might as well be the name of their new show.
Still think soda and waterbottles, string, and making a massive floatie is better. Heh.
It WOULD be more fun. I just figured it’d make the Fest last another six months if I dug into that sport.
Oh but it so needs it.
Wahoppen to the 21st?
Things went sideways. Another cartoon coming tomorrow to make up for it.