Thanks. It is Firefox and even going directly to did not help. I clicked the link on to vote Hubris and it still sent me to the error page on the TimeWarnerCable site.
But Safari worked.
30k won’t ever cover the cost of any damage paste could cost to himself or others who got in his way. looks like no third times the charm for paste dreams.
30 K won’t even pay the medical bills.
At least Kelly got warned a breath or two before Paste started in on him.
So where next, bug Dusty? heh. Must be hitting close to school starting if Paste is that desperate to land a sponsor.
Oi! School! Good one.
Self home schooling? GED?
Anybody else having trouble with the Vote Hubris link? It redirects me to a 404 Error Page at a TimeWarnerCable site.
No problems for me.
You could try going to the Top Webcomics page directly and browse for Hubris.
Seems to be working for me. Let me know if you continue to have issues.
No trouble here.
Troll = Paste.
Paste = Troll.
Simple assignment.
Troll != give money.
Troll = Mean to goats?
I recently switched to Firefox and the voting link isn’t working for me either. I go directly to and vote.
Thanks. It is Firefox and even going directly to did not help. I clicked the link on to vote Hubris and it still sent me to the error page on the TimeWarnerCable site.
But Safari worked.
Should nickname him “Pest” instead of “Paste” … LoL
Good one!
30k won’t ever cover the cost of any damage paste could cost to himself or others who got in his way. looks like no third times the charm for paste dreams.