Paste is one of those interviews you used to hear about… Tom Cruise on Oprah Winfrey’s show, Crispin Glover on David Letterman’s show, Anyone normal on Jerry Springer’s show, etc… He may not be asked back without some kind of apology, and a legal document with assurances that no weapons will be on his person.
Is it Foris or Fortis, I thought it was the latter. (I looked up an old sketch Greg did on yellow legal pad of Paste in the military, and the tag says FORIS… so I’m wrong in earlier comments)
Unless the lower half has a hatch, the jumpsuit will work until Paste has a call of nature. And even if it has a front hatch, what happens if it’s the OTHER call of nature?
Okay so when they get to the bitter end and the fest is over and all the other stuff flies about because of the sponsor contract that died mid-fest, does the episode or episodes for Dusty Trales show still air? Who gets the advertising that goes with it? Since Hometeam bought out SportsMart, does Hometeam automatically get to pay for it all and get the blurbs? Maybe Ennis and Foris go after Hometeam and leave Mal and Shelly and even Wilma still without a job? Um, get out your scorecard and bingo daubers???
Also explains too, if it took body tackle to get Paste dressed why Mrs. Foris’ left bow is missing from her glasses…
Tolerance, thy name is “motherhood” (“in public”).
I see he is getting ready for contact shuffleboard. Giving his description to the media of his strategy.
nah, those oculars are just pince-ing her nez
TNG Season 1 “jumpsuit” or similar.
Of course, for Jerry Springer, any “normal” guest is decidedly abnormal.
Not to change the subject, but I thought Kara had green eyes? No worries. Gives me an excuse to go back through the archives.
I think only if it’s a real closeup…