Er’body remembers that Paste has a real name, too, right? ‘Carlaisle’ And before anyone wants to comment on the spelling of his name, remember that this is the woman who named her firstborn ‘Hubris’, so…
Poor Carl. Yeeeaaaaah.
I wonder if Carl got called that by a lotta people who knew Dorothy Draussen back then, or if something between then and now made her into the woman that Dorothy Foris is.
You guys have been wondering the same thing, I bet. Keeping you up at night and all?
Answers, we need answers. Questions, we got questions.
For every answer there’s another question.
For every question, there is a season.
Turn worm, turn.
The only thing keeping me up at night is my wonky digestive tract and my regular rounds of chronic pain….
So we’re going to learn some dirt on Hubris’ past? Hm? Hm? C’mon Greg!
Pry those family skeletons out of the closet. I could lend you my crowbar…
Well, we already know that Hubris’ dad was an Olympic athlete, and he seemed to have some talent for skiing. He was also a good guy and not likely to simply skip out on his wife and kid. I’d guess that he disappeared while on a training trip, possibly an alpine route. Maybe fell in a crevice and was never found.
I suspect it was similar to what happened in Vancouver in 2010 … when the skiier was killed during training.
Wait – what? Do I have the relationships tangled? Hubris and Paste are half-brothers who share a mother, right? So, Dorothy named her son with David after her deceased first husband?
Oof Level 100