Paperwork… WORK. It’s in the name.
Leave it to Bob that turning a profit would be too much trouble, especially when the money is right there in your face.
Paperwork… WORK. It’s in the name.
Leave it to Bob that turning a profit would be too much trouble, especially when the money is right there in your face.
You need reference material! You can’t go doing representative art without knowing what it is you’re representing.
And sure, Vince could have shot, say, a posterboard. But posterboard splatters aren’t going to give you the texture and the rebound droplets of the specific kind of fabric on a body, you know?
It’s really all about authenticity.
Today’s cartoon works under the assumption that you’ve been reading properly for, gosh, weeks now, and have been retaining what you’ve read. That’s kind of a crazy assumption to labor under, but there it is. You’ve seen (I hope) that guy in the middle of the frame before. And, given a moment to think, you know why everyone’s walking around in looking like they’ve been dipped in PAAS Easter egg coloring.
If you don’t… maybe click on the ‘Hubris Archive’ button, or hit the ‘back’ button over and over again until you go, “Oh, yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. I ‘member now.”
*Sorry for the lack of cartoon yesterday. A friend of mine is having a health issue. I’m helping him stay ahead of his newspaper schedule•
Vincent Van-Go does ALL kinds of sidewalk art.
What would YOU ask Vince to do for you?
If somebody comes up with something very well-considered, I will do my best to work it into the story.
When you set up to do art at conventions and festivals and stuff…
Well, things can often get weird.
Should I point out that I’ll be doing Pet caricatures at a thing in March? Pet… Caricatures.
Right. I’ve done them before.
There are a lot of different kinds of Outdoor store. Someday, I should compile a set of cartoons where Hubris has said, “It’s not THAT kind”
I’m back. Did you miss me?
And yes, that’s a snippet of Nancy comic in the photo placeholder. I’ve been doing some work with Guy Gilchrist. And we’re not done yet.
I’m exhausted.
Holiday weekend! I went to dinner with the amazing Guy Gilchrist, and therefore did not have time to color today’s cartoon… yet.
If you’re reading this wondering what the heck I’m talking about… then I finally went back and colored the cartoon.
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