Shuffleboard sounded so dull, even when you add ‘full-contact’ to it. Everyone put their attention into the five-legged race.
Ha ha. Now, the shuffleboard has their attention. This should keep them busy for a few minutes.
Shuffleboard sounded so dull, even when you add ‘full-contact’ to it. Everyone put their attention into the five-legged race.
Ha ha. Now, the shuffleboard has their attention. This should keep them busy for a few minutes.
Look! I managed to wedge a whole bunch of names in there, and cast doubt on whether TSOJ even made it to the lake part of the race.
It’s cruel, yes, but… Nothin’. It’s just cruel.
Remember a few years or a few minutes ago, depending on whose time you think comic strips happen in, when Hubris sat down to make the events weird? And Paste wandered in to make some suggestions that were pretty nuts, too?
Yeah, me neither.
Sue P. is not the only one who sent in her application along with notations about horsies.
She may have been the only one to mention Tai Chi.
What’s the phrase? “Too many cooks spoil the pot?” or is it “broth”? I dunno. This crowd looks like they’ll do fine, though.
They’ve just got to all start having the same conversation.
Nah, not really.
There’s a certain Zen in being one of US.
Like in the famous old movie…
“Freaks.” You know… “One of Us, One of Us, One of Us…”
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