Posts Tagged Luke
Durn if this story arc hasn’t grown legs. It was MONTHS ago that I asked you guys to send photos if you wanted to be in the competitions, and now we’re finally in the competitions. Team Us is a pretty sizable group- I fit as many as I could in today, but there are more. If you missed out on the invitation, well, feel free to click on the ‘contact’ button or the ’email’ button on this here site and send a photo along with your name and any suggested sport you’d like to participate in. I’ll do what I can. You have to promise that you won’t get your feelings hurt if the caricature doesn’t look EXACTLY like you, and if you don’t get to be the shining star in first place. Comic strips are for the funny, and winning is not always hilarious.
Or so I’ve been told. I don’t win enough to know, myself.