They can’t be given every year, but depending on your giftee, there are some nifty (and easy) go-to items that don’t always cross everyone’s minds. If your birthday boy (or girl) rides a bicycle at all, or needs to look like an 80’s hair band singer, bike gloves are a great thing. Partly, it’s because bike riders spend time thinking “Where the heck did I leave them THIS time?” Eventually, there won’t be time to look for his or her favorite gloves and he or she will gleefully go to the ‘spares’ (i.e. the ones YOU gave last Christmas) which spend most of their lives stuffed in the bottom of a camelbak pouch. So having three or four pairs scattered here and there is a real luxury, and they’ll bless your name when the time comes. I speak from experience. Next time: The luxury of being given a tool box. Yep, that’s it. Tool Box.
I’ve been happy to have been given some low-end fifteen dollar bike gloves, and I’ve even given some in a pinch. You can troll the bike shops and see what’s there. Or, if you don’t have time and want some slightly nicer gifty gloves, you can click on the gloves below and shop ’em from here.
![Planet Bike Gemini Gel Glove](
![Louis Garneau Biogel RX Cycling Gloves](