You ever wonder about corporate strategy meetings where they say, “Just get the ad agency to use whatever words the kids use these days. You know, “Radical” and “Tubular, man.” All that stuff”?
Yeah. Me neither.
You ever wonder about corporate strategy meetings where they say, “Just get the ad agency to use whatever words the kids use these days. You know, “Radical” and “Tubular, man.” All that stuff”?
Yeah. Me neither.
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This is just gearing up for the train wreck. The spin doctors spit out something so left field of reality… watch the ‘brand’ go spiraling in a crater.
Stupid, Literally A Nanny-Parent.
I’m in my 60s and I even know what a poser is. Yep, train wreck is right on schedule.
No, that’s SLANP. Different case.
Stupid, Literally ala Non-Grata.
There are ZERO clues in that room..
Lowell, once an idiot always an idiot.
and yeah guys that’s ‘SO’ important as a question…
The on-line Merriam Webster dictionary lists slang as “origin unknown” and first know use as 1756. I always assumed it was short for “street language” but maybe not.
This is wicked awesome.
“Make a note of that word and give it to Susan.”
Points for anyone who identifies that quote.
Some people call it a Slang Blade.
(posted now so only a few people will groan)
MmmmHmmm. I reckon. A’ight then.
Waitaminit. Lowell worked ON THE FLOOR at SportsMart. AND he went to the skatepark at least ONCE with the others. Remember a few of his spectacular body sprain wipeouts? (complete with his skateboard coming in at Mach 3 to bounce off him?) He should know a wee tiny bit of this stuff. So maybe 1/10 a clue in that room if you divide it out because Lowell blows the grade curve for them.
No no what happened to the page navigation??? I use the down arrow to SCROLL, now you are taking me to the next comic? NOOOOOOOOO….
Was the right arrow not enough for you?? Must you derail my scrolling?
Uh-oh. I’d better call in the web guy to fix things again…
It’s a good point. I would LOVE to know how they actually figure out what slang is being used. Going to the skate park and scooping people in, like David and Paste?