Junkpile Jenga was a throwaway event no matter how you look at it.

It was a fun concept, but Hubris wasn’t around to okay things and it just sorta GOT there, with a prod from the TV guys.  TV guys are notorious for asking people to do and say ridiculous, dangerous things so that the TV guys can then film them and show it to the public as though the people were doing these things without being asked to by the TV guys.

Think I’m just being silly?  Ever watch those “reality” shows where people are leaping off things onto other things?  Think those people would have even CONSIDERED doing that stuff, say, just sitting around the house one Saturday?  Nope.  What about the shows where people are sneaking off to either get an edge in some game or have a tryst with another player/contestant?  How ‘sneaky’ are they being?  There’s a camera crew including sound guys and lighting engineers following their every single move and word, and a director muttering instructions into a microphone the WHOLE TIME.

Now tell me that if Dusty put a camera in your face and said, “Climb up on that tower of junk and yank a part of it out of there to put on top.” that you wouldn’t smile for that camera and seriously consider the risk of getting yourself squished versus losing a chance to be on TV.

Oh, man.  I’d be so squished.