Of course Them Duke Boys hot-wired the fancy compactor truck.
Admit it. You would have, if you’d had the chance.
The Ford Fiesta, however, never had a chance.
Of course Them Duke Boys hot-wired the fancy compactor truck.
Admit it. You would have, if you’d had the chance.
The Ford Fiesta, however, never had a chance.
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Durnell is such the professional. Kicked in the cup and not giving up.
His tux has lost some sparkle, tho.
It’s been a long weekend.
I had a Festiva that I loved.
Compactors are amazing.
They can take four tons of garbage and turn it into four tons of garbage.
And what is in that note that Paste is getting?
I wish we were done with Paste…
I think paste is now the central character until Hubris returns next year to save the day when Paste, David and Mom have brought the store, festival and their lives to the brink of disaster.
I will neither confirm nor deny nothin’.
@[Greg Cravens];
As I read this, in my head I heard:
“…& you can’t MAKE me, neither — Neener!_Neener!_Neener!”
I found out one day by desperation that you may hotwire your own vehicle legally. You may NOT hotwire something you don’t own. We had our old ’71 Ford F150 decide to be cantankerous and had to do that deed, as we were getting it rolling, a policeman stopped nearby and watched. We did do the big fat gulp and asked if we were in trouble, and he said no as long as that’s your vehicle. Phew. That poor Ford Fiesta, it should have been left to rust-in-peace quietly… drooling fluids to mark it’s territory. Pity. I hope it’s other than Paste as our new lead character. He’s a very small dose type of dude.