Heard this one when I was first learning to kayak. I took my spanking new boat to a very nice park in the area. Paddled around (helplessly trying to hold a straight line) until I got near a bank where a few people were fishing. One old guy there told this story to me because I was in a kayak. I’ve put it down as near as I remember it. Though, I’ve been listening to science podcasts and I’m a storyteller, so I’m admitting right now that due to the inexactitude of memory and my own tendency to punch things up, this isn’t word-for-word what the guy said, this is just what I came away with.
I would like to point out that “Skimo” was actually a term he DID use. And it’s a rotten, rude word to use, if I understand right. And if you’re firing up right now to explain a lot of anthropology and sociology to me and tell me that the native peoples around Greenland are not eskimos, or even Esquimeaux, then don’t bother. I’m just relating what the old navy dude said, and he said Eskimos. I wasn’t going to correct his story and make it all politically correct or anthropologically correct or anything else. Not the point.
The point is that he thought the damn boats rolled themselves over.
That’s why I thought you put a decal on the bottom that says ‘If you can read this, roll me over’ ….
Glad to see you felt better’nuff to finish up a cartoon for us!
Hope they have kicked you out and sent you home with a bottle of ‘good pills’ and a list of things you’re not supposed to do for awhile, to warm your own bed and not have to stare at the collection of salt soup and translucent pasty stuff they put on a tray.
Welcome home Greg!
So, what’s the deal with them sticks and the people in Pogo Pogo?
Or did you do the inking/coloring from a laptop in bed? Either way, fast recovery. When I had my ‘stomach ache’ I was out for several weeks.
I’ve been home since Tuesday, in fact. I’ve even driven the car since then. Recovery times for appendicitis are way shorter than they used to be. No stitches any more.
Amen, I had mine out when they still cut your side open and stapled you shut… and I was out for three weeks (I waitressed, it was three months before I could pick up a ‘bus tub’ of dishes, but I had to carry trays before then)… I had four surgeries in 10 years and the first one was old style, 8 years later they did laparoscopy. That’s peasy to get over. I still have the cheap pressed metal staple remover they used to take them out. They charged me $34 for it (minimum wage was 2.65) so you bet I wanted it.
Strategic safety belt placement, been there too. I drove to hubby’s work 8 days after my hysterectomy (#4, 10 years after appendix) and had lunch with him and his coworkers. Those used to take months and an ugly scar, the new way is so much better!
Glad you are home and feeling better Greg. Any Hubris is just a bonus this week. You have the official card to loaf and sleep that nap any time you want…
Thanks! You guys are great.
Yay! Greg’s still ok!
The doctors didn’t implant as many brain leeches as everyone said they did!
Everyone has been so focused on your late appendix that none seems to have commented on your lack of PC-ness at all. Let me just state for the record that while I try to be as nice to everyone as possible (except maybe YOU Cravens) that it seems that Political Correctness has been ruining comics lately. I’m not sure that the shrinking number of newspaper outlets has done as much damage as the cartoonists running around with their tales between their legs every time someone complains about the lack of “tolerance” in yesterday’s strip. Just because a character uses a particular phrase does not mean the cartoonist agrees with the character! That’s part of writing characters. Believe me, I’m all for self-censorship, but some people just won’t be satisfied until we are all reduced to new-speak in the name of tolerance.
So if anyone DOES give you grief over today’s strip–tell ’em I said that it was okay.
Welcome back!
glad to see your doing better to do a cartoon. and also glad hubris being nice to humor the old guy about his belief he thinks the boats fold in.
Aboriginal, Inuit, Native Canadian (or American) … don’t call us Indian, Injun, Eskimo, or Red Skin … we’ll take our spears from our igloos (or teepees, or longhouse) and skin ya alive, and use yer skin for boots, and a hat, your bones for our next weapon, your skull to cook dinner in, and your ligaments (dried out) as our thread. We’re pretty badass that way. 😀
And how about rogue vermiform organs?
I’m sure there aren’t many Inuit who read this comic anyway, and those that do have a sense of humor and an understanding that your characters aren’t always as smart as you.
Glad to see you’re doing better. Never realized how much I depended on this comic until it quit for a few days. So, how can we contribute to your get well fund again?
Well, as long as you’re asking, just go to the ‘You & Hubris’ button up there on the left and drop a dollar in the jar!