I apologize to anyone who would appreciate me providing Hubris in multiple languages.
The apology is firstly for the fact that Paste’s dialogue must be very difficult to make heads or tails of if English is not your first language, and secondly that I didn’t study enough of any other language to be able to make Paste speak poorly in them, too.
S’rite, I can laugh in many languages….
Oh this one is… so Hubris. He knows Paste by now….
Betting there’s a Mr. Stuffins lookalike down there… hehehe.
“Trust in Paste.”
That’s a motto I’d like to see printed on Bitcoins.
trust me . Hubris should really be concerned since odds are paste is about to not only make things worse but Lowel will now start thinking paste did something worse then whack some one.
Paste has a new hobby.
What is Paste’s dialect of choice? Brooklyn Brogue or Louisiana Yat are my guess.
More like modern fatherless brat. Have to ask his mother about that.
Hubris has Paste because he’s expected to be a male figure in Paste’s life????? Oh…I think I sprained my brain on that one. Owie.
Lucky it’s not Lowell…
Hubris has Paste because Paste’s dad has more money than parenting skills.
And here I thought it was because Paste’s Dad found out it was cheaper to ship him to Hubris and pay Hubris off than to send Paste off to one of those military type boarding penitentiary schools. (Or he did and they mailed Paste back in a crate and gave him a double refund of tuition after 24 hours)…
Lowell’d probably let Paste do anything and everything; he seems like he’s that sort of guy. Hubris at least TRIES for a semblance of… something.