You’d think that, what with all the new and exciting stuff going on in his life, Paste wouldn’t have time to think “Hey, what if I just started a line of people. I bet I could eat my breakfast and enjoy sitting around while more people just added themselves to the line for no good reason whatsoever.”
He… probably wouldn’t have phrased it like that. Or even thought it through cohesively.
In fact, I sort of assume that most of what floats through his brain is a sort of instinctive mush of instructions and instigations that allow him to navigate his world. Evolutionarily, he’s the human equivalent of an avalanche. He happens, and whoever survives him has time to pass on their genes to the next generation. Those who aren’t wary enough to avoid him… well, dang… Darwin awards all ’round.
Arthur is the second to last in the line. He has a towel and a bag of salted peanuts.
Arthur Dent?
What can I say? The man knows how to queue.
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Is the coffee vendor in cahoots with Paste, or just taking advantage of the situation? They’re going to be wishing they were in the other line soon.
“In fact, I sort of assume that most of what floats through his brain is a sort of instinctive mush of instructions and instigations that allow him to navigate his world.”
As a person with ADHD, I don’t know if I’m offended or not about this. It’s accurate of how the ADHD brain works. “I have this job to do.” (starts cleaning) “Oh, I found this, it goes over here. Oh, this needs dusting” (while forgetting the previous job is still in progress). “Oh, that goes over THERE, and the dishes need washed.” (while washing the dishes, realize the garbage needs to go out, and the first three jobs get forgotten.)
I have always called that “Flea on a Hot Griddle Disease” I sonetimes find it to be a very good way to clean stuff up…Well, sort of…
Less than 50% ever gets “cleaned”. Most of it is “moved temporarily” which becomes semi-permanent, until I decide I don’t need it, since I “haven’t looked at it or for it in months.” LOL
Even us without an ADHD diagnosis can end up doing this all day. I use a large whiteboard and an assortment of dry erase markers that the cats keep hiding on me to try to keep a list of what needs doing and priority.
Leave it to Paste.
Hee heeeee
This reminds me of when my mom and I were on our way home from Hawaii. We were there when September 11th happened. The lines at the airport were absolutely incredible. There were people selling apples and water to everyone. No doubt they made a killing.
“he’s the human equivalent of an avalanche.” <3