Wooo!  Some of you may have noticed my relative silence in the comments lately… the last couple of weeks or so.

There has been a lot going on, but the upshot is that I’ve been out of town for a while.

All of last week’s cartoons were prepared well in advance, for a change.  I colored and uploaded them on my laptop while in St Louis, not having had time to complete them before I left on vacation.   Then I was more or less out of touch completely for a week solid.  Sunday was a 12 hour drive to finally get back home.  I realized Saturday, in Dodge City, that I’d better get started on this comic, or it wouldn’t post on time at all.

So today’s cartoon was done in the computer from a scanned-in pencil layout.


I think I still prefer my ol’ brushes.


I’ll post some photos and stuff of the Ocoee trip I made a couple of weeks ago and of the Rocky Mountain trip I just finished.  But I suppose I should finish posting the photos from Charlotte HeroesCon first.

It’s been a busy month.