I don’t know if it’s true everywhere, but around here, it’s the nervous new kids that wind up saying they’re going to be snipers during paintball games. What that means is, they’re going to run to the closest hiding spot behind a wall and they’re going to plink away at anything they see moving. And there will always be those guys who try to take charge and start calling out orders while doing the hand jive like you see cartoon characters do when they’re parodying Schwarzeneggar movies. The problem is that there’s usually more than one of those guys in a team, so the team splits up and the disparate parts wind up shooting at each other at some point.
They are SO going to need the sky to open up to wash off enough paint goo to figure out what’s a tree and what’s a target, I’m betting.
Sounds like it’s set up for one great event for Kelly, one horridly long day for Kara, and when does Lowell and the Raccoon tribe attack and raid the buffet and Lowell get tranked to get an ear tag and radio tracker collar? Mmm?
So, which ones are the stooges and which ones are the pollocks?
LOL the word Sense coming out of pastes’s mouth now thats funny as i live and breath an excellent source of “ironic” right there.
I was going to say that Paste’s tutor needed to up his material, but Jackson Pollock is college level liberal arts and is rather dated.
Pollock is a popular cartoon meme, though, so maybe Paste doesn’t browse gocomics.com like the rest of us.
Don’t underestimate the man or his work. One of my art instructors studied under Pollock. We didn’t always agree on it but. I could see some of his work being revisited with rank amateurs with paintballs. Totally appropriate!
I’m hoping Greg will make it a monsoon and massive mud pit on the weekend event. LoL
“Mud” is such a lovely color and nobody wins or loses then since they’re all the same shade…!
Its not really time to bring out Lowell, however, seeing him tranked & tagged is appealing
You have to work together. Divide your team into pairs. One covers (shoots at anything that moves that’s not the partner), the other moves forward to the next cover. You then reverse roles. If you are the runner and you are taking enemy fire, do not stand and shoot or run straight: roll or zigzag before each shot if you shoot at all. Each pair’s objective is to keep in constant communication while moving toward a certain objective. Unfortunately this gets so methodical after awhile, it gets boring, but if you do anything different, you get flanked and taken out pretty quickly. I think this is why young men grow to loathe war.