Advertising stuff.
You can tell when it’s done by a committee, because it’s dull and pointless. And you can tell when they let one guy in the company just knock it out himself, because it’s always so badly misconceived that you know that next time, committee will insist that it’s dull and pointless.
Also, I need to apologize for yesterday’s cartoon. Didn’t mean to offend anyone, but it’s been pointed out to me that injury awards and comments about PTSD are inappropriate. You have my apologies. The only thing I can say in my defense is that no one, in fact, was harmed in the making of this comic strip. Daneil Hawshank, Michael Liu, Mr. Hieland, and the rest don’t actually exist. I do thank all of you very, very much for playing along with me and my imaginary people.
Also also… I hope that I didn’t compound the problem and upset anyone with today’s comic, but it was already done when I got the message about yesterday’s.
Those T-shirts that Mr. Smythe-Cholera had made? Those don’t exist either. Not to break the fourth wall all to heck for you or anything, but… y’know. Now I’m second-guessing myself.