This is one of those strips that you hope no brand new reader is going to see first thing. This one’s for you guys that seem to read my mind about the story bits and who remember tiny details about everyone in the strip. It’s been bumping along at the edges of the story for a long time, and I didn’t know where to put it. Til now. It popped up when I was trying to think of what should go into Hubris’s dream. So here you go.
Now is that his dad and he’s talking to him… or is he talking in the dream to his son?
Stay tuned!
So. Hubris’ dad died in a Toyota accident while driving through Nebraska? That’s just sad. What with being some kind of winter biathlete and all, or stuff.
Ok.. WHEN did this become “Hubris Dies at the end”??
Does it horrify you to know that I DO know how this whole thing wraps up? And Hubris doesn’t die?
WAIT. HUBRIS CAN NOT END (the strip, that is).
If you think of doing it, I’ll walk 1,500km (939mi), and chain you to your office chair, so you don’t have a choice but to work on Hubris!!! LoL
Allan, I doubt Greg would be that mean; remember how Hubris thought the ER doc was his regular doc (back when he went with Kara to that doctor event as her plus one, and he met his old ER doc)… just if that is Hubris falling off the bike and cliff, another one of those Saturday Afternoon ER decorating sessions he had growing up…
Allan, if needed I will walk there too and bring my deep cast iron antique frypan (makes the best fried chicken ever in it) to make sure Greg draws us more Hubris. With two of us he will have less chance to duck out…
I’m not quittin’ any time soon. Keep your fry pan on the woodstove.
Not even if I fry you some chicken first? I was just going to help out Allan there…. maybe he’ll walk through his custom found materials sandals and not get there. I know I can’t walk that far… Heh. You’re safe Greg, dinna worry.
I may not be able to walk that far, but I’d sure as hell try. Hitchhiking is one of my favourite past times. 😀
More importantly, Hubris shares his dad’s taste in shirts. Or, he’s wearing his dad’s shirts…
Makes you wonder what Paste’s dad looks like.
Look closer. Hubris’ dad is wearing a ski outfit. If Greg is giving us clues, and not just conflating memories from different sources, then Dad probably died in a skiing accident, and Hubris’ choice of shirts might be due to the ski jacket Dad had been wearing at the time (or, the jacket that Dad normally liked to wear while skiing).
thank godness paste woke hubris up to tel him he talks in his sleep for hate to have had hubris wind up splatting at the end of the dream with his pop talking to him. for with hubris luck he would land on a giant lowel
Of course, Fathers Day is coming up, so this could lead to a “memories” script.