Okay, who here reads Bearmageddon? I do. And Ethan Nicolle is taking a short hiatus to do some catch-up. So what do I do? I love me some guest comics, so here’s my Bearmageddon guest work.
Okay, who here reads Bearmageddon? I do. And Ethan Nicolle is taking a short hiatus to do some catch-up. So what do I do? I love me some guest comics, so here’s my Bearmageddon guest work.
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…for just a second I thought that said Beermageddon.
“Oh and bear mace. We also have bear mace.”
A slightly larger can than mugger mace, yet still smaller than miniature pincher mace. ( Yay, reference!)
Yeah, but you gotta hit ’em in the eye. If I gotta hit a bear in the eye with something, I want it to be something whose trigger can be farther from that eye than a can of mace’s. A bazooka comes to mind. Their triggers can be a half a mile from a bear’s eye and still do it’s job. Bear mace? Not so much.
10 food pole mon amie.
DYAC! Foot, not food! Though, 10 foods sounds good right about now…
Well said.
whaaa? You’re really advertising this? Dude, figure out how to be funny first. Find something that connects with people, or even just something distinctly human to say. i know this concept is vague, but you’ve got to figure out how to tell a story in three simple frames. Your art, it’s good. Your story telling, it sucks. But the comic, first and foremost, it’s a story. Which is why bad artists can sometimes be successful. No amount of good art can save a bad story. Figure it out. Or find a good partner, someone who can provide the story that your art is missing. But yeah, this is what you need to do.
Ah! Criticism! Excellent. I need that every so often to goad me into not getting lazy. Tell you what, This Guy, I’ll show my appreciation by working harder. Hopefully you’ll come back now and again and let me know if I’ve gotten any more entertaining. Seriously. I appreciate ya taking the time to comment.
I personally found this comic to be funny and have been coming back.
Glad you’re coming back Terryjr! I got started on the big story arc today, by the way, so hang on, we’re gonna tell tales now.