I think one of these two people has caught the underlying spirit of the ‘Fest. That spirit, of course, is “I wouldn’t worry about it.”
I hadn’t really thought of that before, but it does seem to fit, right?
I think one of these two people has caught the underlying spirit of the ‘Fest. That spirit, of course, is “I wouldn’t worry about it.”
I hadn’t really thought of that before, but it does seem to fit, right?
In case you were wondering where our Roller Derby Girl got her nickname ‘Docta Pain’… it wasn’t from the injuries she inflicted during Derby.
It was the emotional damage she would occasionally inflict at practices and in the penalty box (does Derby even have one of those?) amongst the other athletes. She’s not proud of it, and she blames her parents, of course, but every so often… she’s just gotta get that fix, man. She’s gotta see that look in their eyes when the gossip goes deep and dark. Oh, the Pain… Docta Pain.
When covered in multiple layers of different people’s vomit, and in the middle of very stressful conversations with people who are exhausted to the point of hallucination, it’s important to get clavicle-high in greenish spring water. Otherwise, things could get weird.
Now we’re back to the post-vomiting episode cartoons. Sorry about the mixup- I got all excited and wanted to get to the serious part of the story where people wrapped in bubblewrap were sliding around and talking about large, important life choices…
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