I hope all you United States Of Americans had good Thanksgivings, and that everyone else had wonderful Thursdays and weekends that may or may not have included shopping during days that might have shopping themed nicknames.
Man, the world is weird.
I hope all you United States Of Americans had good Thanksgivings, and that everyone else had wonderful Thursdays and weekends that may or may not have included shopping during days that might have shopping themed nicknames.
Man, the world is weird.
You remember back in the original Muppet movie? When Orson Welles signs the Muppets to the standard Fame and Fortune contract?
I worry about how many people really think those kinds of contracts are out there waiting to be signed.
Coloring crowd scenes. Man, sleep would be easier to get to if I weren’t up coloring crowd scenes.
You wait. When the Stanky Creek Festivities fire up, you’re gonna see some weird colored crowds.
Well, it’s November, and you know what THAT means! It means we’ve been at this for seven years. That’s what that means.
Where does the time go?
How many of you guys have been here from the start?
How many of you were lucky enough to come along later and say, “Oh, hey! There’s like fifty comics her to read! How ’bout that?”
And now there’s something like 1300 of them. Brother, that’ll keep ya busy, writing and drawing that many li’l pictures.
Happy Birthday, Team Hubris! (That means you.)
If real police officers drank as much coffee as TV cops, they’d vibrate til their eyes fell out. You ever notice that?
I’m getting to the age where I don’t know how many people are going to get my references.
I said something about G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu Grip to a surgeon the other day.
He was too young to remember not only that G.I. Joe got Kung-Fu hands, but was actually too young to remember anything but the silly little not-really-G.I.Joes of the Saturday morning cartoon show. I suppose I should be grateful that he knew what a Saturday morning cartoon show is.
That being said… all of you recall Starsky and Hutch, right? And not just the Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson movie?
Here’s a thought I just had while putting the tags on this cartoon. Crazy Dog Lady has been her ‘name’ so far. But that probably won’t do, since she’s so much fun these days.
Anyone want to suggest a few names that might have been hers all along and we just don’t know it yet?
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