I spent New Year’s Eve in Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State. Karl and his family have a lovely ‘cabin’ up there, across’t from the ski resorts. (It’s more of a really nice condo than a cabin, but if you got one, you can call it anything you like)
Next door, in an empty lot (empty of houses, full of snow) Karl and my brother made their traditional ‘snow lounge’. Meaning they used snow shovels of various descriptions to cut down into the deep snow, leaving a table in the middle of a lot of cleverly fashioned seats. The neighborhood kids, and mine along with ’em, ran rampant over the whole thing, and we needed to do a little rebuilding during the daylight hours, but by nightfall the footprints had been eliminated from the table and the seats were sit-able again.
And there was a bar carved off to one side. Here it is:

The drinks needed no refrigeration. In fact, your beer would have ice in it before you could finish it. Not bad a’tall.
Keeping the fire pit from melting its way down through the table was the tricky bit. But that’s another story.