As the night draws in, Hubris is getting cagey.
When everyone is looking for you, though, where do you go?
And when you’ve got an event to announce, where do you go?!
Ya go to the mic.
As the night draws in, Hubris is getting cagey.
When everyone is looking for you, though, where do you go?
And when you’ve got an event to announce, where do you go?!
Ya go to the mic.
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Greg – I thought “wireless kites” were called “drones”…
Now THERE’S an idea — just tie the kite-string to a drone!
To the top, or from the bottom?
Here ya go.
Back in the 80’s our parents finally got a cordless phone. They kept misplacing it so we took a piece of string and taped one end to the wall near the transmitter and the other end to the phone.
That way we always knew where the cordless phone was.
Hey, despite all the others, some probably worrying about if Hubris is around to make his appearance… well, he appeared. On time. On place. Heh. Bet it’s going to be a tricky one to do a Bob-style le-peuf after this one… maybe he dons paintball gear and evaporates. [back many decades, seen a Kenny Rogers concert. He was known for sneaking and suddenly appearing… I was second row to the circular stage, and he was dressed as a stage hand, in tee and jeans, and just came up the side and ducked in an access hatch to underneath, and changed there. Almost nobody seen him… I can see Hubris doing a maneuver like this…duck under the stage and sneak out in paintball gear… get afield and disappear again.]
Hubris is going stealth. Remote mike and a police bomb disposal robot sporting a chain fed paintball gun. The guys on the PD won’t miss it.
Are Kara’s eyes meant to be 2 different colors?
Should we be worried about Hubris’ grin in the last panel?
( … he’s looking just a tad more evil than usual … )
Just to be clear, Hubris, a wireless mike is **NOT** total freedom, because you’re still effectively “tethered” to the station that has to hear your mike-signal, in order to broadcast it to the speakers. If this reception-radius is too small, then it’ll be correspondingly easier to pinpoint your hiding-place. I also expect that this radius will shrink as the mike’s batteries run-down, so you might want to load-up on fresh batteries before you begin your hijinks.
After a bit of respite, back to the part of the festival Hubris enjoys. Let Paste handle all the planning and coordinating from now on.
Just curious – why is this comic so pixelated?
Oops. I had ‘nearest neighbor’ checked instead of ‘bicubic smooth gradients’ when I converted the file. Leftover setting from doing Buckets Sundays (different processes)