Aha. And finally the truth be told, no fun with being on the same level deck with everyone else…. heehehehe. They might actually learn something from this one and be reminded for a few weeks by the bruises. Love it.
Not true, Hubris does know the secret to success…
It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s that you have fun and don’t hurt other people. (they’ll hurt themselves with crazy stunts just fine on their own.)
The TRUE winning secret?
You really want to know?
I mean, you’re not kidding, right? You’re really serious about this?
Are you willing to pay me money for the answer?
Ok, let’s see the money first…
Olden days when we got a downtown skyway to use, at one parking ramp there were a bunch of (flat) mirrors put on the curve of the wall. I went there Friday PM and I cleaned them to factory clean. Elbow grease, windex, 409 and lovingly polished off with felt.
Saturday when we got to play, I could bounce off those mirrors and nail people. One guy got a little tad bit ‘turbed at me but I said it was legal for me to clean the mirrors after work the night before….
My vision sucks (3.5 L and 4.25 R) so it’s hard enough for me to see on a regular basis … the only option I usually have is to hide and hope! I’ve never gotten better than 3rd place at LazerTag though.
Aha. And finally the truth be told, no fun with being on the same level deck with everyone else…. heehehehe. They might actually learn something from this one and be reminded for a few weeks by the bruises. Love it.
Not true, Hubris does know the secret to success…
It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s that you have fun and don’t hurt other people. (they’ll hurt themselves with crazy stunts just fine on their own.)
Nailed it. You have a clean and clear grasp on the theme here.
The TRUE winning secret?
You really want to know?
I mean, you’re not kidding, right? You’re really serious about this?
Are you willing to pay me money for the answer?
Ok, let’s see the money first…
The only secret to winning at Laser Tag (Paint Ball, Dodge Ball) is to hide. Hide and hope you don’t get called a hider.
Sounds like the sort of thing a Hider would say!!
Lazertag, deadly aim
Olden days when we got a downtown skyway to use, at one parking ramp there were a bunch of (flat) mirrors put on the curve of the wall. I went there Friday PM and I cleaned them to factory clean. Elbow grease, windex, 409 and lovingly polished off with felt.
Saturday when we got to play, I could bounce off those mirrors and nail people. One guy got a little tad bit ‘turbed at me but I said it was legal for me to clean the mirrors after work the night before….
My vision sucks (3.5 L and 4.25 R) so it’s hard enough for me to see on a regular basis … the only option I usually have is to hide and hope! I’ve never gotten better than 3rd place at LazerTag though.
espically since he just revealed that to hubris.maybe he should have this conversation with paste for he could use a laugh.