Lowell at least got on a new track, and he’s starting to learn how to play with his friends at the table. Tabletop gaming was invented at board meetings, just no miniatures and dice, no doritos and soda….
they now need to be afraid very afraid espiclaly if some how lowels plan succeedes for then the execs will have created a new monster in the board room by name of lowel
Good to know you’re not in traction, Greg. Amen.
Lowell at least got on a new track, and he’s starting to learn how to play with his friends at the table. Tabletop gaming was invented at board meetings, just no miniatures and dice, no doritos and soda….
bored meetings
“Now you’re talkin’, Greg! Strip’s finally up! Good man!”
Woo hoo strip!
May bad? No. It’s only October. (Of course when you fix that typo, this is going to be one confusing comment.)
they now need to be afraid very afraid espiclaly if some how lowels plan succeedes for then the execs will have created a new monster in the board room by name of lowel