Mental misfires. Very hard to put out, once you get into one.
Anyhow, Happy Friday the 13th. You have those where you live? Or is today just another odd-numbered day?
Mental misfires. Very hard to put out, once you get into one.
Anyhow, Happy Friday the 13th. You have those where you live? Or is today just another odd-numbered day?
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Yep, this is the trainwreck. Lowell could be commited for 72 hours for observation in some places. Hubris should have him sent off….
well this is REALLY not good.
so not only Paste can get him in trouble with Niki for harrassment.
now Lowell is doing crap on a competitor “supposedly to help his shop” and can get him in trouble too. not only they both acting like idiots, one for doing it the wrong way and the other for dragging someone in his shit, but also this can end up with mister creepy lawyer showing up again.
at this point i would be Hubris…i think i would even DARE consider asking his stepfather to come and scare them all into shape. or at least scare Lowell and maybe, JUST MAYBE, slap some sense into Paste.
although…i know myself this is a far fetched dream. maybe Hubris should resort right away in showing his shooting skills to save time.
Happy Friday the 13th!
Yes, Japan has these! Tomorrow, we’ll even have Saturday the 14th!
I’ll celebrate tomorrow by doing all those special things I only do on Saturdays the 14ths. Like work, eat and drink too much. Yay!
TSOJ, where in Japan are you. I was stationed at Yokota AB from 86 to 93. Lovely area.
Used to be in Tokyo, spent a year in Kagoshima (near Hikari) and I’m in Kyushu now, near the volcano in Kagoshima. I don’t think I’ve been around Yokota, yet.
Yokota is in Fussa, not far from Tokyo. I never made it off Honshu to the other islands. Sounds fascinating.
Where are you now?
Can you say ‘accessory after the fact’? I knew you could.
By the way, ‘hair don’t’ and ‘hairdo’ in the tags line? Really?
Should just skip to the 14th, like buildings do here in Manhattan
At least one building near Minneapolis skipped the 13th floor. Lowell needs a Dr. Phil and some convalescence, and a junior management position at a local organic coop so he can learn to eat right.
Eh – Friday the 13th is my lucky day. Mama was born on a Friday the 13th. She was married on Friday the 13th. If it wasn’t for all that, well I’d be …not here at all?
Friday the 13th is a DAY! I’ve had worse Friday the 12ths and Friday the 14ths… Tom S, I think I know that building. They conveniently put some ‘mechanical’s’ on that floor and it isn’t in the elevator buttons, you need a bypass key…
On 394 west of 100, north side, pyramid shaped roof.
I still remember Pogo’s strip with Alley Gator ranting about Friday the 13th.
When I was a youngun I had a math test on a Friday the 13th and was the only one in the class to ace it. Since then I’ve considered Friday the 13th to be a good day for me.
just ordered the two books you have on lulu btw greg. and i have to say I REALLY REALLY REAAAAAAAAAAALLY hope you will offer the others. i love your comic but i am also partly old school. i like to have them in books to read them when internet is down to cheer me up. hehe.
Yeah, EVERYBODY is looking forward to the Skanky Creek book. Maybe soon.
Thanks! I AM working on it… and I have a sort of alternate concept for getting it finished up. Some of you might not be so thrilled, but it will get the book done. After that, the books can come a lot faster.
Alternate concept? It’s our pocketbooks and fantastic plastic on the line here… spill! Can’t wait for the book, though…
I was going to keep the 22 new comics (the ones to fill out the reader appearances in the book) secret until the book’s done, but I might put up the new cartoons online so you don’t have to do without new cartoons to look at while I slam out the book.
Sign me up! I also want a book when Stanky Creek the Opus comes out… please?
stanky creak and all the rest
sincerely i don’t think any of your lil comics didn’t make me crack a smile. THAT’S WHY I PATREONize YOU after all hehe.
I’m a Patreon too… 🙂
poor lowel the time in the cave made him delusional for he thinks he works for hubris . and kara is talking to him to spare some one else from listening to him she is taking one for the team
i think it’s more alone of a deformation on her work line. she is used to listen to people rant.
i worked in a shop for 10 years and i am STILL used to read body language and listen to people rant about their days even if it’s not my job anymore lol.
When Lowell came back, he seemed a lot calmer and more rational, but now… Looks more as if not only the return to a familiar environment but also hopping aboard old trains of thought (and not healthy ones at that) have triggered the delusional thinking.
That said, what he has done (so far) is far less dramatic and damaging than what I was expecting. When he went back to Sportsmart, he looked SCARY, as if he were wholly capable of committing violent (and potentially lethal) acts that some disgruntled employees (current or former) have become notorious for.
There goes the camping trip.
Or maybe not. And why should it? Hubris is in no way responsible for Lowell’s machinations and antics. That said, Hubris repeatedly gets dragged into them all the same, so even though he’s not responsible, he still suffers the consequences. Would that there was a way to get Lowell back into the wild, so that Hubris could enjoy some (relative) peace and quiet.
Which gets me to wondering: Assuming that the camping trip is not called off, will Lowell wind up tagging along with Hubris and Kara, just as he had once before? While that probably sounds like a recipe for still more mayhem, it might not be such a bad idea. Lowell’s Bigfoot foray did seem to have some positive effect on him, however temporary, and a return to that or a similar environment might distract him from his obsessions.
Still doubt it? Just bring along a mess of lobster and find some raccoons, and Lo-Lo will settle right in. Oh, and in time he’ll regain the ‘look’ that he so nobly sacrificed.
Let’s just hope he takes a few extra pairs of shorts along, or next time he might find the poison ivy…