Ever have one of those conversations with people that, partway in, you realize they really aren’t having the same conversation you are?
Ever have one of those conversations with people that, partway in, you realize they really aren’t having the same conversation you are?
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Soooo, what sort of guns are in the rack in Mr. Biner’s bigwheel fat*ss dually pickup? Hm…. bet there’s a locking tonneau cover full of more plus all sorts of accessories….
Greg – Nope. It’s just like you say, getting up early in the morning is the best thing in these situations.
Don’t need to own a gun, shooting ranges rent them for cheap. You just have to buy the ammo and targets.
And you don’t have to clean the gun.
Of course, owning your own means you always get the same one everytime you go shooting. And nobody should own a gun without knowing how to clean it, it’s really not that hard for most these days. Field strip, apply good gun oil (I like CLP but there are others), punch the bore a few times, wipe off excess, reassemble. You can bring it to the gunsmith once in a while for more detailed cleaning.
In the Marines we were issued our rifles, shown how to clean them, did clean them on several occasions until we could do it almost blindfolded, and THEN we were brought to the range.
This could be an interesting bonding session between the two of them.
can’t wait to see mr. binders face when Hubris opens that case and shows him his gun. he may be eating some crow
I’m thinking the word you are looking for is cattle.
All the time, Greg, all.the.time.
But then I’m a very literal minded person and tend to be a bit slow on the up-tick.