Here’s one of your extra comics! Sorry it took so long. I’ve got a couple more written and penciled, and I’ll get to them as quickly as I can.
Of course, if you’re surprised by this message, you might want to hit the ‘back’ button and make sure you haven’t missed one.
Bob needs a long vacay. That ESP ‘net implant is working great, though!
Poor Bob. So much violence and drama all at once… Poor thing’s shell shocked.
Also, does this mean we won’t be seeing Bob again/any more? Like is this a “Bob: exit stage left” moment?
Bob, you will be missed. You were the sanest out of the bunch.
Well, DirtyWord! Too much violence in the world. He should get his necklace back before he leaves.
The Bob is dead! Long live the Bob!
Greg, you know that we now demand that Clem show up in all the strips in Bob’s place as a speaking character, right?
Poor Bob. Don’t blame him on needing a recharge. Bet he will be back.
I don’t vote for TSOJ’s comment about bringing Clem back for regular visits. He’s good for some story arcs, but. I’d rather have Bob back. Betting part of why Bob is leaving is that Lowell’s house got repossessed and Cthula will end up buying it and moving in next door!
Bob oh Bob…where for art thou Bob?????
I think my reaction may be summed up by Hubris’s expression in panel four. So much of what happens in the Hubrisphere is loony and unhinged — but I EXPECT all those things, in whatever form and however they play out. Even the unpredictable is in a way predictable, if that makes sense. When something shocking happens, as it often does, it’s doesn’t really come as a shock.
But Bob leaving?! That may be more shocking than all the rest combined.
oh no . please say the crazy dog lady is not so powerful she finaly crushed bobs free spirit too. not bob. and of course paste would try and get out of work for he has an allergy to it
Yeah-yeah-yeah… What about Bob? (sorry, it was a movie on yesterday.) Well, Bob took off with Richard Dreyfus for a road trip… He and Lowell are doing a tag-team deal 🙂