If you’re seeing today’s cartoon in black and white, you’re seeing it before I finally get the chance to color it. If you’re seeing it in color, you’re from the FUTURE!!
Also, everything you see in the cartoon was done on an iPad in ProCreate. I do NOT have the hang of ProCreate. Some cartoonists, however, do. I will be one of them one day. In the FUTURE. This, I vow.
Hmm. Paste’s dad has a vested interest in Paste’s future. Lowell does not. Lowell does want to put Paste’s brother out of work, but Paste’s dad probably does not. Ms. Wiggins-Ross just wants to make a quick buck while coming out smelling like a Ross. Rose. Paste is just a stepping stone for her. Paste may be the only one without an actual ulterior motive, and IS the only one that can’t SPELL ulterior motive.
the way Paste’s dad acted…am NOT SURE he doesn’t want Hubris to lose his store.
I am sure you can procreate!??
Attempt to procreate. Doesn’t always succeed.
IF Miss Wiggin-ross is the one taking care of the PR for Paste…I hope she has access to a GOOD STOCK of anti-depressant.
Aww, I thought my color perception’s on the blink. Turns out I’m from the past, straddling the present! How pedestrian…
Zen and the art of Skullduggary!!
Or motorcycle repair. The first non-scifi, non-text book I remember reading. Don’t know if it had any lasting effect on my ‘phylosophy’, but I remember being impressed. RIP, Eugen.
Pissed me off. For some reason I thought it might tell me something about motorcycle maintenance. I should add that I had a bike at the time (and was 16)
Last bike I had was an R100 BMW. Not that you should care, but…
Book though was good.
BTW, I see I am still in the present. No improvements on my pedestrian status!
Feet work unless you broke something, stepped on something, or don’t have titanium callouses or enough shod fodder to make it happen.
I just got back from picking blackberries, barefoot. The creek felt great today!
My middle toe left foot ingrown toenail, was very painful. It went dead when I was dealing with type II diabetes. The nerves grew back today. This is Owie!!!!! And a mixed blessing (so glad it grew back, yipping because it did)
scary if lowel is trying to see the other side of things and act like the devils advocate this can only end with paste or lowel sooner or later screwing something up and lowel saying i told you so don’t have me put plans in play
I figured it WAS in color until Greg spilled his diet Mountain Dew on it. (But I am old-fashioned, or maybe just old, and like to pretend artists still create pretty pictures on paper.)
I can (on paper) but I prefer my fakeout of a Wacoal Bamboo tablet to do so.
I am way out of state, got carded today (over 55 WOOHOO), and attending my mom in her last days in hospice. Self medicating tonight after dealing with my aunt (her younger sister and MPOA with my blessings a few years ago). Need to catch up with Hubrisworld…
Wishing you strength. It is never easy.
I LIKE execu-coasting. Need to borrow unless Greg Copyrighted and/or Trademarked that one.
Well that one is yours
Paste says “exucoasting” lol
Hope you are OK
OMG, it’s colored!!! Welcome to the future!
I love how the colour brings out the circles under Ms. Wiggins-Ross’ eyes 🙂
AHa, so it’s paste who is taking a long ride that works as long as the pier is short.