So, Lowell learned what Hubris had been doing when Paste and Bob were busy digging the basement skate park, and then decided that he could be a river guide, too. We already know that river guides die on a regular basis, and often need new dental work. So, Lowell probably went face first into a rock, and Sportsmart’s lawyers are looking for free money out of the deal.
It’s sounding more and more like Burgess Smythe-Cholera may have decided on another weekend, and this time used Lowell; and somebody got their grill punched… So the sharks are flopping about looking for someone to make into chum.
But you know our fellow Hubris, he comes out on top. Sportsmart probably told Lowell to do anything to get more business, so Lowell had a talk with Mr. Stuffins and Mr. Stuffins is the one that told him to do rafting….
And heck with deep pockets. Sportsmart is going after ANYTHING, deep, shallow, or no pockets. It was probably Lowell that got hurt, or worse, the people demanded their money back so Somebody’s Going To Pay For This (and it sure isn’t us..Sportsmart)
Oh it sounds like Lowell really got himself dipped this time and it was all by himself.
So, Lowell learned what Hubris had been doing when Paste and Bob were busy digging the basement skate park, and then decided that he could be a river guide, too. We already know that river guides die on a regular basis, and often need new dental work. So, Lowell probably went face first into a rock, and Sportsmart’s lawyers are looking for free money out of the deal.
The real question is who hired Lowell to be a river guide
looks like Lowel really caused some legal damage if another pack of legal sharks are now circuling hubris
The plot thickens . . . . .
Ah, the lawyer feeding frenzy begins…
It’s sounding more and more like Burgess Smythe-Cholera may have decided on another weekend, and this time used Lowell; and somebody got their grill punched… So the sharks are flopping about looking for someone to make into chum.
Sportsmart verses Smythe-Cholera? Gonna have to go with team Cholera-Shark.
But you know our fellow Hubris, he comes out on top. Sportsmart probably told Lowell to do anything to get more business, so Lowell had a talk with Mr. Stuffins and Mr. Stuffins is the one that told him to do rafting….
And heck with deep pockets. Sportsmart is going after ANYTHING, deep, shallow, or no pockets. It was probably Lowell that got hurt, or worse, the people demanded their money back so Somebody’s Going To Pay For This (and it sure isn’t us..Sportsmart)