Registration and check in?
Getting permissions from the city to use public land?
Making sure the caterers get in and set up on time, and have places to put tables?
Judging? Judging tables?
PA systems to make announcements to 200+ bankers?
Signing all the insurance forms and getting them ailed in on time?
Having people available to distribute 200+ paint ball guns, armor, helmets and paint balls?
Clean up afterward?
…[scratches head] Err… Okay, I don’t know what they forgot either.
I mean there are prolly a billion & one things they Could’ve forgotten but to nail it down to just One thing… Nooo clooo.
Someone to sniper Chase R. Ambule into the trees and the embrace of Lowell who probably hasn’t gotten a nature shower or a wade-bath since he took off into the woods?
lol it never fails something is almost always guarenteed to be forgotten till said event or moments before said event lol
Registration and check in?
Getting permissions from the city to use public land?
Making sure the caterers get in and set up on time, and have places to put tables?
Judging? Judging tables?
PA systems to make announcements to 200+ bankers?
Signing all the insurance forms and getting them ailed in on time?
Having people available to distribute 200+ paint ball guns, armor, helmets and paint balls?
Clean up afterward?
…[scratches head] Err… Okay, I don’t know what they forgot either.
I mean there are prolly a billion & one things they Could’ve forgotten but to nail it down to just One thing… Nooo clooo.
Someone to sniper Chase R. Ambule into the trees and the embrace of Lowell who probably hasn’t gotten a nature shower or a wade-bath since he took off into the woods?
Checking tomorrow’s weather?
To watch out for sports art employyes
oh like maybe a paint ball gun loader plus sniper to take care of chase .